Saturday 3 May 2014

Dripping paint nail art tutorial

Hello everyone,
                         I hope you all are doing well :). This post entails a step by step tutorial on how to create a dripping paint nail art design. To create this design a dotting tool/ tooth pick will be needed in addition to your polishes. Feel free to change up the colours in your recreations. Also, be sure to start off with a base coat to protect your natural nails. Lets get on to the tutorial!

Step one: Paint all of your nails in a bright green polish and ensure it dries completely.

Step two: To create the illusion of dripping paint make a sizeable, pink spot using a dotting tool/ tooth pick. Then lightly drag the polish to the tip of the nail while it is still wet. The line connecting the dot to the tip of the nail does not have to be straight.

Step three: Next, make drips of different sizes on each of the nails. You can make two to four drips per nail depending on your nail size. Go over any drips that may not be opaque enough.

Step four: In order to connect each drip, fill in the tip of the nail with the pink polish brush. Apply the polish in such a way to create curved edges that join each drip along the nail.

Step five: Clean up around your nails if any polish got onto the skin then add your preferred top coat to smooth out design and add shine.

Products used:
Princessa nail color- item# 7618
L.A Colors- French nails purple
Top Coat- Seche vite fast drying top coat

Thank you for viewing this post and I hope you all try out this tutorial :). Feel free to leave a comment and share this page with your family and friends. Look out for another tutorial next week. Have a great weekend and enlightening week ahead. 

See you soon.


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