Wednesday 18 June 2014

Puzzle Nail Art Tutorial

Hey everyone,
                      I hope you all are having a great week. Today I have a simple puzzle nail tutorial for you.  I'm sure if you try this look out everyone will want to know how you did it. All you will need is regular tape, a dotting tool/cotton swab and your nail polishes. Also, be sure to start off with a base coat to protect your natural nails. Let’s get on to the tutorial!

Step one: Polish all of your nails yellow and ensure they are completely dried before moving on to the next step.

Step two: Cut out two square pieces of tape and stick them on to opposite corners of the nail. Using a blue polish fill in the uncovered areas of the nail.

Step three: Remove the tape immediately and you should end up with four quarters.

Step four: Place two blue dots (using a dotting tool or cotton swab) connecting the blue area and overlapping the yellow. Then, add two yellow dots connecting the yellow area and overlapping the blue. 

Step five: Clean up around your nails to remove any polish from the skin and add your preferred top coat to smooth out design and add shine.

Products used:
China Glaze: Man hunt
Orly: Lemonade
Top Coat- Seche vite fast drying top coat

Thanks for checking out this post, if you are new to my blog have a look at my other tutorials. Feel free to leave a comment and share this page with you family and friends. Look out for another tutorial next week. Enjoy the rest of your week and to my fellow Trinidadians have a great long weekend :). 

See you soon.


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