Monday 28 December 2015

December Manicures (2015)

Hey everyone,
                        I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas :). We have reached the last edition of my monthly manicures for the year of 2015. Its astonishing how fast the year flew by and as we approach 2016; I wish my viewers all the best. This year may have thrown you a few curve balls but do not let yesterday's trials affect your potential to be extraordinary. Also, I want to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to visit my blog during the year, it is greatly appreciated.  Let’s get on to the many manicures I wore in December enjoy !

Manicure #1

Products used:
China Glaze: It's alive
Essie: Lollipop

Manicure #2

Products used:
China Glaze: For audrey
China Glaze: It's a trapeze

Manicure #3

Products used:
Orly: Rock solid

Manicure #4

Products used:
China Glaze: Four leaf clover
China Glaze: Refresh mint
Essie: Go overboard

Manicure #5

Products used:
Essie: Smokin' hot

Manicure #6

Products used:
China Glaze: Mosaic madness 
China Glaze: Stroll

Manicure #7

Products used:
China Glaze: In a lily bit
Essie: Go overboard

Manicure #8

Products used:
China Glaze: Four leaf clover
China Glaze: Fairy dust

Manicure #9

Products used:
China Glaze: Luxe and lush
China Glaze: Man hunt

Thank you for viewing this post and check out my other designs on this blog. Feel free to leave a comment and share this page with your family and friends. Also, look out for another post soon. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep smiling :).

See you soon.



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